There are many ways to get around a city, but the most popular way is by car. Cars are convenient and fast, but they also emit many pollutants into the air. This is not good for the environment or for our health.

The renting and the environment

The Sustainable Tourism model is one way to solve this problem. Encourage tourists to use public transport or walking instead of using cars. This will help reduce pollution in the city and make it more sustainable for future generations. For example, the Spanish Renting Association (AER) ensures that renting contributes to the improvement of traffic thanks to the telematic equipment of its vehicles, and that it is an ally against pollution, as the contracts are concluded over an average period of 4 years and 90% of the cars comply with Euro 6 regulations.

Para Grupo ANC como empresa líder del Alquiler de vehículos a nivel de Latinoamérica y Caribe, la Sostenibilidad forma parte esencial del modelo negocio, es decir, esto los impulsa a ser una organización enfocada en eficiencia y mejora continua en todos los procesos. 

“We have seen over the years that a model of Sustainable Tourism is the route that drives us to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals that Costa Rica has proposed to achieve inclusive development, sustainable environment and to ensure that human rights gaps are closed.”

Cars are a major contributor to pollution in our atmosphere. As a result, there is a need for car manufacturers to develop more efficient engines and technologies that help reduce carbon emissions. The benefits of renting in this respect are obvious, since it makes available to citizens the purchase of electric cars, which emit less greenhouse gases than cars that operate solely with internal combustion engines.

sustainable mobility

As a leading mobility company in the tourism sector we understand the needs of our customers to explore Costa Rica receiving excellent customer service, but we are also passionate about developing operations based on a Certified Sustainability Model and that our customers are part of it. This is why they implement environmental projects that promote the achievement of our sustainability objectives, some of them are:

  • Collection of rainwater for washing vehicles which allows us an annual saving of 1.2 million liters.
  • Water recycling system which allows us to reuse 60% of this resource in our headquarters.
  • Use of biodegradable products for dry cleaning of vehicles generating savings of 482,000 litres per year
  • Solar Panel Projects allows us to avoid 15.7 tons of CO2e annually
  • Solar-powered electric vehicles that enable us to provide our customers with a fully carbon-neutral experience.
  • We are part of the National Forest Finance Fund.
  • We are part of the Sustainable Business Mobility Project Belén
  • Some of our waste is destined for Social Responsibility projects.

Said in his own words “At ANC Group we are excited to provide an excellent service experience to all our customers and also be part of a sustainable development full of hope for all”.

That is to say, to reduce the problem of vehicle emissions, Alamo has recent models and evaluated by experts, that prevent excess toxic gases. The technology of these units allows the detection of defects that can result in contamination, but there are more advantages to contract fleet of vehicles.

Rodrigo Alvarado (Quality and Environment Manager) of Grupo ANC in collaboration with Sensorial Sunsets.