5 Typical Fruits of Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s geographic location stands out as a biological bridge. While this characteristic contemplates the diversity of species, both animals and plants, it also includes incredible, delicious and exotic fruits. Here are 5 Costa Rican typical fruits:
Also known as Mamey, the zapote is one of the typical fruits of Costa Rica, found in the Caribbean region. It is characterized by a flavor comparable to loquat or sweet potato, with a hint of chocolate and almonds. They have a rough, woody brown skin. This dark coating protects an interior of soft, creamy and sweet flesh. Inside, its color varies with different shades of orange, yellow, white or even black. Each fruit contains one to four large, thin, brown seeds with a polished texture.
In Costa Rica, until a few years ago there were only scattered trees, but thanks to its national and international incorporation, interest was awakened to develop the crop commercially. It is a green fruit, covered with very particular thorns. It has a white, sweet, aromatic pulp, with black and smooth stones.

A sweet and sour fruit whose name derives from the word “Kas” in Brunca. This is the native language of the Central American indigenous Boruca people. It is a small round fruit with a smooth, grainy texture, similar to that of the guava. When ripe, its color can range from green to yellow. It is undoubtedly one of the 5 typical fruits of Costa Rica.
The cultivation of pejibaye originates in Tucurrique, where 400,000 kilos are currently produced on 200 partially cultivated hectares. This town, of indigenous origin, is also the cradle of the traditional Pejibaye Fair. It is characterized by its bright orange color and nutty flavor. Pejibayes are always boiled in chicken broth or salted water and are generally eaten with a little mayonnaise.
The jocote can be found in different shapes: red, yellow, orange, purple, oval, rectangular, with indentations or completely smooth. Most of the fruit is made up of the seed, and its pulp is characterized by a sweet and sour flavor.
The Jocote Fair was even created, a community initiative that seeks to diversify the way this fruit is marketed through derivative products for.
In Brief: 5 Typical Fruits of Costa Rica
- Costa Rica’s geographic location offers a great diversity of fruits and vegetables.
- Pejibaye, guanabana, cas, jocote and sapote are some of the exotic fruits of Costa Rica.
Zelda Walters for Sensorial Sunsets
https://si.cultura.cr/expresiones-y-manifestaciones/feria-del-pejibaye https://costarica.org/es/comida/frutas/
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