How to know which Christmas tree option is the most environmentally friendly? Find out here which is the best version according to ecologists.

It’s already December, which means Christmas, the tree and the decorations are near.

Times are changing and people are looking for more ecological options to decorate their homes in this beautiful season. Nowadays, there are several options for Christmas trees: natural and artificial trees made of different materials.

Before we start with the differences between types of Christmas trees, we must understand that any product we consume has an environmental impact. However, we can reduce its negative impact on Earth.

Artificial Trees

Artificial trees have a 6 times greater impact on climate change and natural resource depletion than natural trees. In addition, it must be taken into account that, many times, the final destination of the artificial tree is to be discarded and, as it is not biodegradable, it takes hundreds of years to degrade.

Likewise, the greatest impact of the artificial Christmas tree is during its production stage. So, by reusing the same tree for several years, we would be reducing its environmental footprint.

Natural Trees

How to know which Christmas tree option is the most environmentally friendly? Find out here which is the best version according to ecologists.

For its part, the natural tree generates 39% less greenhouse gas emissions than the artificial one. Indeed, being natural, it contributes to capture CO2 during its growth.

For environmentalists, the best option is the natural tree, even more so if you opt for local trade, because if the tree is produced near your home, no excessive emissions will be generated by its transportation (unlike artificial trees imported from other countries).

After Use…

How to know which Christmas tree option is the most environmentally friendly? Find out here which is the best version according to ecologists.

As mentioned above, the best way to treat an artificial tree is to use it for several years during the holidays, so that its ecological footprint decreases.

With regard to natural Christmas trees, you can look for a place where they are composted and can have a positive impact after their life. On top of that, there is the option of looking for potted trees so that they can be transplanted after the holidays.

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