Member of the École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse.
Practicing psychoanalysis since 1980, in Costa Rica.
Professor (retired) at the University of Costa Rica.
She was editor of the journals In$cribir el Psicoanálisis (Acieps, 1994-1997).
Página Literal ( Elp, 2000-2008).
Cuadernos de Psicoanálisis CLAROSCURO ( ELP, 2010-2017).
Professor at the School of Theater ( 2006-2015).
Invited Professor Postgraduate in Arts and Master in Psychoanalytic Theory.
Graduate System. University of Costa Rica.
Invited professor in the career of Photography. Veritas University.
She has been invited to give courses and lectures to different countries and has written numerous articles on psychoanalysis, art, theater and literature.
In 2016, she was distinguished by the government of France with the medal: Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres.
Currently, she is the founder of the Device on line OPENING BRACKET- frayage. De la école lacanienne de psychanalyse together with Ruben Quepfert.