Caroline Gillet, journalist of France Inter, one of the most famous French radios, gives the floor to Cristina Barboza, Costa Rican, who talks about the elections in France and Costa Rica in 2022. We leave you here the article and the radio program of January 24, 2022:

Voters from elsewhere: Cristina, Costa Rica

We will not be the only ones to vote these next months. In Costa Rica for example, the elections are in a few days. Cristina sent voice notes via WhatsApp to describe the electoral campaign in her country and tell us how she observes from there, the one we live here, at home.

We won’t be the only ones voting in the coming months (and talking about nothing else – and Covid). How are elections prepared elsewhere in the world, what are the subjects that (pre)occupy our neighbors and how do they observe what is happening here? Portraits of intellectuals, artists or simple anonymous people who all have one foot in France, another in a country that will vote in the coming months. Chronicle made from vocal notes sent from their balconies (among others).

Costa Rica, elections on February 6: Cristina.
Cristina is 35 years old, and she is Costa Rican. She has one foot in France through her husband, who is French, and for the first time they are experiencing elections in their respective countries at the same time. Cristina, like many people in Costa Rica, gets up early. She loves her country, its landscapes, and its bird sounds.

Producer: Caroline Gillet
Team: Magdalena Hervada and Marie Ramaugé
Radio broadcast: “A day in the world” by Fabienne Sintès