Jorge Debravo: The Immortal Legacy of a Costa Rican Poet

Jorge Debravo, a Costa Rican poet.
Every January 31st, Costa Rica honors the memory of one of its most representative poets: Jorge Delio Bravo Brenes, known artistically as Jorge Debravo. Since 1996, this date has been commemorated nationwide as a tribute to his birth, reaffirming his legacy as a key figure in Costa Rican literature.
A legacy born in humility
Jorge Debravo was born in Turrialba in 1938, into a peasant family that faced great hardship. From a very young age, his childhood was marked by the need to work the land to contribute to the sustenance of the home. However, these difficulties did not dampen his desire for knowledge. Against all odds, and on his own initiative, he managed to start his academic education at a late stage, demonstrating unwavering passion and perseverance from the outset.

The Birth of a Poet
During his adolescence, Jorge Debravo began to stand out for his mastery of reading and writing. Self-taught and a voracious reader, he channeled his literary creativity by collaborating with the local newspaper El Turrialbeño, where he published his first texts. He also founded the Círculo de Poetas Turrialbeños (Circle of Poets of Turrialba), which later evolved to become the Círculo de Poetas Costarricenses (Circle of Costa Rican Poets), a space that fostered the development of poetry at the national level.
Work and theme: humanity at the center
Debravo’s poetry is deeply rooted in human and social values. His writings explore subjects such as love, justice, solidarity and human dignity. Some of his most outstanding works include Milagro abierto, Consejos para Cristo al comenzar el año, Nosotros los hombres and Los despiertos. Some of his most emblematic poems include “Apunte interior” (Inner Note), “Despedida” (Farewell), “Desvestido” (Undressed), “Digo” (I Say), “Dioses” (Gods), “Este sitio de angustia” (This Place of Anguish), “Eternidad” (Eternity) and “Nosotros los hombres” (We Men).
El camino, despacio,
retrocede a nuestras espaldas.
Todos los árboles se han alejado
hacia el poniente.
Todo en la tierra
se aleja alguna vez.
La luna y el paisaje.
El amor y la vida.
El reloj, en mi muñeca,
dice que son las cinco de la tarde.
La hora de los adioses,
la hora en que la misma tarde
agita nubecillas en despedida.
A premature goodbye
Jorge Debravo’s life was cut short in 1967, when he died at the age of 29 in a tragic car accident in San José. Despite his early departure, his literary legacy and his impact on Costa Rican culture endure. His poems continue to be a source of inspiration and reflection on the human condition.

National Poetry Day
In recognition of his contribution to national literature, January 31 was declared National Poetry Day in 1996. This commemoration not only celebrates the life and work of Jorge Debravo, but also highlights the importance of poetry as a means of expression and cultural transformation in Costa Rica.
Jorge Debravo is more than a poet; he is a symbol of resilience and passion for literature, whose voice continues to resonate in the hearts of those who seek in his words a fairer and more humane vision of the world.
Sensorial Sunsets
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