As part of a team effort between the Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) and the Universidad Técnica Nacional (UTN), the District of Paquera is taking significant steps towards solving one of its most urgent environmental problems: the integrated management of solid waste. With the support of these academic institutions, a strategic plan has been developed that addresses this concern in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.

Paquera: Integral Strategies for Solid Waste Management

Academics Daylin Vega, from UTN Sede Pacífico, and Lilliana Abarca, from TEC, led this project in collaboration with the Paquera District Municipal Council. Recognizing the growing urgency to address the proper management of waste, both institutions set out to design a strategy that will not only mitigate the negative impacts on the environment, but also actively involve the local community and business sectors in the search for effective solutions.

The Plan focuses on a long-term vision, with clear goals and concrete actions for the next five years.

Our objective is to establish a robust, environmentally sound and self-sustainable management system. To achieve this, the active participation of the population and other key stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of strategies is essential.

Lilliana Abarca, M.D.

The outlined action plan comprises a number of key measures, including:

  • Implementation of environmental education and solid waste management programs in education.
  • Design of training programs for different sectors on proper solid waste management.
  • Development of awareness and environmental education campaigns to promote changes in waste prevention and management habits.
  • Promotion of special waste collection campaigns in accordance with current regulations.
  • Establishment of an updated tariff system that internalizes management costs.
  • Promoting collaboration with the private sector for waste management.
  • Strengthening the operational and administrative capacities of personnel involved in waste management.
  • Implementation of internal regulations for integrated solid waste management.
  • Promotion of innovative projects for waste recovery, following the circular economy model.
  • Rehabilitation of a Collection Center for Recoverable Waste.

Environmental Commitment: Public Universities Join Paquera’s Challenge with Waste Plan

These initiatives are proposed not only as short-term solutions, but seek to change paradigms and establish long-term sustainable practices. Also, it is expected that these actions will contribute significantly to the reduction of pollution in an area with high tourism potential, thus improving the quality of life of the inhabitants and complying with the mandates of the Ministry of Health.

The geographic and demographic background of the District of Paquera provides an important context for understanding the importance of this project. With a growing population and prime coastal location, the need for effective waste management becomes even more pressing. Both the Paquera District Municipal Council’s commitment and inter-institutional collaboration are critical steps towards a more sustainable future for this community.

Overall, this represents an exemplary model of collaboration between academic institutions, government entities and civil society in the search for innovative and sustainable solutions to today’s environmental challenges. With a participatory and results-oriented approach, this project lays the groundwork for positive and lasting change in solid waste management in the region.

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