Tattooing: Expressions of Art in Costa Rica

Tattooing in Costa Rica
The art of tattooing is a form of expression that has existed for centuries. There are several reasons why people may get a tattoo, one of them is to underline one’s identity and the other to immortalize moments, both those that were happy and those that have left a psychological wound. It is an artistic expression that is considered taboo in many cultures and communities. But the stigma attached to it has not stopped people from getting tattoos, in fact, its acceptance has been very great in today’s society.
The Art of Tattooing
In the beginning what existed was primitive tattooing. This type of tattooing was part of the “ritual work” associated with the ethnic practices of distant cultures. Later, its practice began to spread, which caused gangs to use it as a means of demonstrating their membership in one of them. Thus, tattooing began to be associated with the practice of marginalized groups. In the current era, the middle class accepts and practices tattooing in a notorious way.
Tattoo artists today are creative professionals who have a skill set that is extremely difficult to master and are passionate about what they do. They are able to create unique designs and drawings on the skin, which can be very rewarding for both the artist and the client.

PlasticMoth: Tattooing in Costa Rica
Illustrative tattoos are a mix between traditional and realistic style. Using color saturation, thick line outline and shading techniques to reference an illustration.
PlasticMoth, a young artist who is part of the Costa Rican tattoo guild tells us a little about the artists. First, it should be mentioned that her style is related to Japanese pop culture, such as manga and anime. In fact, the influence of Japanese pop culture in the Western world has been an important factor in the popularity of tattoos. The rise of manga and anime, for example, has led to increased interest in the art form.
On the other hand, this artist says that in reality tattoo artists have always been part of the art world. But what is new is that tattoo artits are now considered as artists and not just tattoo artists. This change in mentality has led to more artists being attracted to the profession, but it has also led to an increase in competition.
Also, it should be noted that the tattoo guild has started to change with the new generations, giving space to new artists who create their art from scratch. Thanks to artists like PlasticMoth the tattoo industry is slowly becoming more like the art world with high end pieces and collectors willing to buy them. Professionals in this area are starting to see themselves as artists and less as tattoo artists, which leads them to be more creative than ever with their designs.
In Summary
- Tattooing is a form of expression that has existed for centuries.
- Tattoo artists are creative professionals who have a skill set that is extremely difficult to master.
- Illustrative tattoos are a mix between traditional and realistic styles.
- PlasticMoth, a young artist who is part of the guild of Costa Rican tattoo artists.
Zelda Walters in collaboration with Plasticmoth for Sensorial Sunsets
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