The School of Biology of the University of Costa Rica releases a documentary series on climate change.

Climate change is a phenomenon and an issue that concerns the entire population of the planet. This is why the School of Biology of the University of Costa Rica released on Wednesday last week a documentary on this topic.

This is the first chapter of a documentary series that will deal with the climate crisis, its causes and repercussions in Costa Rica (and of course, in the rest of the world).

The film is directed by Pedro Murillo and Hannia Rodríguez, who are part of the Scientific Audiovisual Project of the School of Biology of the University of Costa Rica. The documentary also has the special participation of Ana María Durán Quesada, physicist and researcher at the Laboratory of Observation of the Climate System of the UCR, Guaria Cárdenes Sandí, geologist and researcher at the Central American School of Geology of the UCR, and Celeste Sánchez Noguera, biologist and researcher at the Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology (CIMAR), among other experts and scientists.

Climate change and climate crisis

Climate change is the pattern of changes in temperature and its effects on the planet, on all natural ecosystems.

What is the difference between climate change and climate crisis?

The climate crisis, in the words of Melania Guerra Carrillo, a climate change specialist, refers to the social and economic impacts of climate change.

So what is climate change?

Climate change is the pattern of changes in temperature and its effects on the planet, on all natural ecosystems.

This refers to the long-term changes that are occurring mainly due to the emission of greenhouse gases, especially those derived from the burning of fossil fuels.

Melania Guerra Carrillo

You can read about this and many other relevant facts in the first chapter of the documentary series.

Watch the documentary here

The first chapter of the “Climate Crisis” series here.

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