After surviving:

The initial motivation to address the issue of violence in writing arose from the need to express one’s emotions, worries, fears, anger and pain. Writing became a way to denounce. Therefore, Rebeca Esquivel dedicates this work to women and people who have survived violence, and who wish to make their voices heard so that injustice does not go unpunished. This is an attempt to break the silence that often surrounds situations such as sexual abuse, where victims are expected to remain silent.

Between Poems and Reflections

The act of writing also became a tool to name the injustices that society tends to silence. It is about narrating personal experiences and one’s own healing processes, leaving messages in the poems that can resonate and help others. Despite the fact that one could not choose to avoid the experiences of violence, the decision to narrate them from one’s own perspective is an act of courage and self-discovery.

What is her life story and how did it influence the creation of this work?.

The author expresses her gratitude for the question, recognizing the importance of approaching these realities from an empathetic rather than a morbid perspective. She shares her own experiences, highlighting situations of violence throughout her life, particularly sexual and emotional abuse. She reveals that her healing process began when she was able to recognize that the assaults were not her fault, a discovery facilitated by the support of friends who offered her a safe space to explore her own story.

On the other hand, she shares with us her desire that people who have survived violence will find in her writing an open window to express their own stories. She mentions that the book was not conceived considering how it would impact readers, but she has observed that for some people, putting their own stories into words has been liberating. Emphasizing the importance of allowing oneself to feel and reflect on the emotions that arise when reading the poems.

After Survival, from Violence to Resilience

The underlying message is that violence exists and should not be ignored or silenced. For those who have faced it, it is emphasized that they deserve better and they are encouraged to recognize their strengths and courage in the healing process. To society at large, it is urged to acknowledge the existence of those who have survived, to listen to their voices and understand that they are not objects, but individuals who write their own stories of recovery. She acknowledges that she has not found a definitive balance in her account, leaving each reader to determine his or her own interpretation. In this way, she shares reflections on the healing process, emphasizing that it is an ongoing journey with diverse challenges and experiences.

These are some stanzas of a poem called I believe you, I do not share the whole poem because it is long.

Who would I be by denying myself
all the truth that boils inside me,
that never ceases to make itself felt,
that screams and convinces me of my own history
made of blood, bone and entrails?
Who would I be?
If I don’t believe me, what the hell am I left with?
If I believe me, I remain me,
I know myself, I heal myself, I understand myself,
I live with myself and with all that is important.
Thus I find how to discover happiness,

Rebeca Esquivel

Despite all this, she wishes to propose to readers an exercise that has been well received in previous presentations. As a result, she invites readers to bring paper and pencil for a self-talk exercise based on one of the poems called “INSTINCTS”.

I ask that part of me
that always speaks to me:
What do I need now? And I let it answer.
What do I need to let go of me?
What do I feel like daring to do?

Rebeca Esquivel

This poem addresses the inner voice, presentiments and personal wisdom. The suggestion is that readers write to themselves the answers to the questions posed in the poem, thus fostering a conversation with themselves and providing an opportunity to connect with their own voice. Emphasizes the power of this exercise in self-conversation.

The Art of Breaking the Silence and Healing Through Writing

This is how Rebeca expresses her gratitude and sense of fortune in knowing that her words can contribute to the lives of others, thanking those who have contributed to her own life.

For me it is very clear that I cannot write about something that is not my reality, each poem reflects something that exists, that happens, it is my story, but it is also the story of many other people. That is something that makes the book much richer, it has the ability to make almost anyone feel identified and I try to make that process of identification feel like a loving invitation to find oneself and hopefully they do not stay with what I wrote, but can continue to write their story in their own way.

Rebeca Esquivel

She also seeks to highlight the importance of the support received in different aspects. In the first place, he mentions the economic support provided by the Fondo para el Financiamiento de Proyectos de las Artes Literarias del Colegio de Costa Rica, of the Ministry of Culture and Youth, which made the publication of the book possible. She is also grateful for the support of Editorial CĂ­rculo y Punto throughout the publication process, as well as the work of designer Vanessa Huertas in the illustration of the poems. In addition, she highlights the importance of the support of people close to her, including friends, family and especially her partner, who contributed significantly throughout the process.

Finally, Rebeca thanks the people who have read the book, especially the women in her community, who have provided positive comments, reaffirming the certainty that the book has fulfilled its purpose.

Sensorial Sunsets in collaboration with Rebeca Esquivel.

For now you can get the book with its respective author, you can contact the number 6114 5381 or instagram @saberes.sanar
The price is about 6 000 colones.

We invite you to stay tuned to instagram, where we publish the agenda of presentations, workshops and other relevant information.