The Costa Rican Liquor Market: Ruta 230

We talked to Ruta 230 about the project.
According to engineer Mauricio Granados, manager of the Eljuri liquor line in Cuenca, the preferred alcoholic beverage of Costa Ricans is beer, a fact that also occurs in most Central American countries. However, Guaro Cacique (white cane aguardiente) is one of the most consumed liquors in the country.
On the other hand, the most commercialized liquors in Costa Rica are Flor de Caña, Centenario (national rum) and Bacardi. However, in recent years, consumption and preferences have been evolving and now we see that the Costa Rican population is increasingly interested in vodka and whiskey.
The Costa Rican alcoholic beverage market must expand and evolve with the new consumption trends of the Costa Rican population. This is why Ruta 230 was created.
What is Ruta 230 project?

The project was born as a result of the entrepreneur’s stage of overcoming after a cranial fracture. He always liked cooking and gastronomy, so he ventured into the preparation of cream liqueurs. It was then when the business started to grow.
For the moment, Ruta 230 remains a digital venture, meaning that its products are available through its social networks Facebook and Instagram. However, this does not stop them from being present in different fairs in various parts of the country.
Among its products are cream liqueur, with traditional or mint flavor, whiskey cocktail (presented in skull-shaped bottles with edible frosting) and sangria.
Liquor market in Costa Rica
According to a survey conducted by degree students of the Universidad del Azuay to 30 people in Costa Rica, 90% of the people answered that they consumed alcohol occasionally; 53.33% said they did not know about flavored artisanal liquors and 46.67% answered that they would try flavored artisanal liquor; finally, 26.67% of the people surveyed answered that they buy liquor for social events.
This proves that Ticos are willing to go out of their comfort zone and try different craft liquors, which they would like to find in open spaces such as supermarkets.
This is how Ruta 230 and other artisanal liquor businesses have become known in the country: thanks to the curiosity of consumers and the passion of entrepreneurs to venture into new ideas.

Instagram: Ruta230cr
Facebook: Ruta 230
Mónica Gallardo for Sensorial Sunsets
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