On August 2 is a very special date for the inhabitants of Los Angeles, a town in which the Pilgrimage and the sales shifts become the epicenter of a festivity full of religious fervor and economic opportunities.

This tradition, rooted in the local culture, is eagerly awaited by many families who see it as an opportunity to earn extra income and “make a killing”, as the popular saying goes.

Spirituality and rooted traditions

The stands during the Romería in Los Angeles are not only commercial venues, but also sanctuaries of spirituality and deep-rooted traditions. These spaces are imbued with palpable devotion as they offer religious products that strengthen the faith of devotees. Everything from rosaries to images of the Virgin, each item becomes a means of expressing devotion and spiritual connection to the Virgin of the Angels.

During this journey, people travel long distances and pass through different localities, which implies a great physical and emotional effort. The vendors became aware of this need and began to set up at strategic points along the way to offer food, beverages, religious articles and other products that could be of use to pilgrims.

These points of sale encourage centuries-old traditions, such as the making of promises and offerings to the Virgin, which enriches the festive atmosphere with a deep sense of gratitude and hope.

Eventually, this phenomenon became a deep-rooted tradition and sales “shifts” were established during the Pilgrimage.

On other words, they are a tradition that has evolved over time, and their origin goes back to the pilgrims’ need to stock up on provisions and souvenirs during their pilgrimage to the shrine of the Virgin of Los Angeles.

Churros of Cartago

Churros are one of the protagonists during the pilgrimage in Los Angeles.

Made with a dough based on flour, water and salt, with a characteristic shape. They are then fried in hot oil until golden brown and crispy on the outside, while the inside remains soft and fluffy. These delicious fried sweets are a culinary tradition that adds a special touch to the holiday.

In Los Angeles, it is common to find two types of churros: regular and filled. Regular churros are the more traditional option and are served with sprinkled sugar or dipped in hot chocolate. On the other hand, the stuffed ones are a more innovative and appetizing variant for many.

Since July 22, when sales start to rise, and remain high until approximately August 3

In addition, it is important to mention that the pilgrimage and the shifts not only benefit local merchants and vendors economically, but also generate a positive impact on the community, since they promote the spirit of union and tradition.

Sensorial Sunsets